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Rules to sending out an e-newsletter

I’ve just clicked the button to send out almost 1000 e-newsletters to my clients members.

I always find it somewhat nerve racking clicking that button, even though I have checked everything over and over.

My favourite software system for creating e-newsletters is MailChimp – an email marketing and email list manager. It is really easy to use. Templates can be set up so the designs needs only to be done once.

However easy it may be there are rules to sending out an e-newsletter. Use this check list before you click the send button.

8 rules to sending out an e-newsletter

Always send a test email to yourself, a spouse and some trusted friends to check through. Get feedback from each person.

Once you receive the test yourself, go through it and test all links. That includes image links.

Read your newsletter through thoroughly. Try not to just scan the text, that’s when you miss things.

Use the spell check. In MailChimp this is found by clicking on the ABC button.

Check your newsletter in different email clients – Outlook, Gmail, MacMail.

Check your newsletter on different devices – an iPad, a smartphone, a desktop computer.

If you make any changes after your test, please make sure you send the test again and start from number 1.

Make sure your website is up to date and reflects the newsletter.

There is nothing worse then sending out a newsletter with a spelling mistake or a dud link.

So what are your thoughts on sending e-newsletter? Share your view below.

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